As far back as possible, our ancestors used herbs to heal and treat many health conditions. Natural health products transcend from this traditional knowledge, with many other facts and uses discovered over time. Today, natural health products often benefit from clinical research to support their use for specific health conditions.

At Adrien Gagnon, we rely on science to select ingredients when it comes to the development of new products. We select ingredients with the best efficacy proven by clinical studies for given conditions. We then carefully review all available data to determine whether the ingredients are safe for public use. When clinical studies demonstrate that an ingredient is both safe and effective, we include it into the formula of a new product.

Our new product development team consists of experienced microbiologists, cell and molecular biologists as well as pharmacologists who work on the research and development of each Adrien Gagnon product. This dedicated team has invested years of hard work to offer reliable products to the market.

The quality of our products is reflected in all our manufacturing processes. By strictly controlling the quality of our products, we can ensure their trustworthiness in the eyes of the consumer while respecting and even exceeding the standards set by Health Canada.