Energex Focus


Energex Focus

Need to concentrate?

Finding the balance between energy, calm, and concentration is the secret of a good day! Even though they are antagonistic, the rapid energizing effects of caffeine and the calming effects of theanine in our new Energex Focus formula provide a synergistic effect to promote cognitive functions, including focus. NutraJIT®, an innovative ingredient made in Quebec, allows the effect to last up to 8 hours! This formula is recommended for professionals, students and anyone who has to face a specific situation requiring sustained intellectual performance, such as an exam, a very busy day, an important interview or presentation...
SKU: 104107
UPC: 063935026149
NPN: 80114561


100% natural

Gluten free

Nut free

GMO free

Dairy free

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Good to know
There are 5 main brain waves, all needed for optimal health, and varying according to the state of mind in which we happen to be: Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Theta.
The brain is only 2% of our body mass but 20% of its energy consumption.
Good to know
  • There are 5 main brain waves, all needed for optimal health, and varying according to the state of mind in which we happen to be: Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma, Theta.
  • The brain is only 2% of our body mass but 20% of its energy consumption.

Key Ingredient

Caffeine is the most widely used psychostimulant in Western countries. Consumed in different forms, natural or synthetic, it is well known to all. Even if its mechanism of action is still being studied, many benefits have been scientifically shown. Recently, it has been proven that caffeine molecules contribute to confirmed neuroprotective effects. The action of caffeine blocks certain receptors which release molecules (pro-inflammatory) that can damage the brain in the medium or long term. Caffeine also plays a role in activating the brain's Beta waves, which stimulate cognitive functions. It also induces the release of adrenaline, the hormone that triggers alertness and attention. However, when consumed in excessive quantities, caffeine can cause tremors or a feeling of nervousness that is counterproductive to the desired performance. According to Health Canada, the ingestion of 400 mg of caffeine per day per adult is a dose that does not show adverse effects. It is important to control your caffeine intake (drink, food) when taking Energex Focus. - Theanine is an amino acid extracted from tea or manufactured synthetically that promotes relaxation. By regulating the activity of neurotransmitters in the brain, it helps to limit the level of cortisol triggered during periods of stress. Also, theanine activates the brain's Alpha waves whose role is to relax the body. - NutraJIT® is a versatile carrier allowing the active ingredients to go to their site of action, without being affected by the acidity of gastric fluids. This means that Nutrajit® protects the active ingredients from gastric acids so that they can be released and absorbed in greater quantities by the intestine. NutraJIT® is a protein derivative of food products that is 100% natural and allergen-free.

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews

Fonctionne à merveille!!

Johannie Bérubé Leclerc

Vraiment super comme produit

charles couture
Energex Focus

M'aide vraiment à une meilleure concentration! J'aime vos produits!

Sylvie Dufour

Je recommande

Joël Morneau
Bon produit

J'en prends toujours lorsque je sais que je vais avoir une journée chargée devant moi!