Vive la détox du printemps!



In naturopathy, detox is about stimulating the elimination of toxins that have accumulated in the body through emunctory organs – the organs that carry off body waste, such as kidneys, liver, intestines, skin and lungs.

Whether preventive or curative, detox is intended to relieve the entire body and provide overall well-being.



  1. Because winter, especially difficult this year, is an opportunity for frequent food excesses, slows down your physical activity and causes stress: three factors which contribute to toxin accumulation.
  2. Because as a result, you experience increased fatigue, headaches, joint pain, heaviness, etc.
  3. Because even though the body works at eliminating toxins every day, plenty residues remain in your tissues and weaken you.


There are various ways to go about detoxing. Some are more challenging:

  1. The MONO DIET CURE consists of eating only one kind of fruit or vegetable, morning, noon and night. For example, eating only strawberries. This monotonous menu might discourage quite a few people.
  2. TOTAL FASTING is an effective but delicate approach that should not be improvised. It is best to first ask your doctor and see fasting specialists for proper guidance and supervision. Other detox methods are more feasible, such as:
  • The LIGHT CURE. For a few days (one day or a weekend), this cure is about eating mainly plant foods, organic if possible, as per a program either designed by you or inspired by a specialist (several books and websites offer these programs) from the following recommendations :
    • WATER. Drinking water is the first thing you should do. Water supports the natural detox process of your body. Vary the flavours: add lemon, fruits or herbs. It is advisable to filter your water.
    • DRAINING BEVERAGES. These infusion beverages are composed of plants that stimulate the functioning of elimination organs. These plants are:
      • cleansing — such as burdock — which helps eliminate toxins;
      • diuretic such as dandelion, nettle, horsetail, etc.;
      • laxative such as Senna, cascara, aloe, etc.;
      • protective of the liver such as artichoke, milk thistle and turmeric.
    • DIURETIC AND DRAINING FOODS. Favour garlic, artichokes, asparagus, avocado, bananas, chicory, lemon, turmeric, endives, spinach, fennel, ginger, leeks, apples, dandelions, nettles, black radishes, grapes, green tea and tofu.
    • YOUR BLACKLIST… Avoid alcohol, soft drinks, coffee, chocolate, saturated fats, eggs, salt, sugar, processed foods and red meat.
    • COOKING FOOD. Cook at low temperatures, steam, stew or use a wok to preserve vitamins, minerals and enzymes as much as possible, and to prevent the formation of toxins.
    • IN LIMITED AMOUNT. Eat sensibly to relieve your digestive system. For example, don’t go back for seconds.
    • ESSENTIAL. Cook and savour!
    • ANTI-STRESS. In the long run, stress can have damaging effects on your health and emotional well-being. Here are a few ideas to help you relax during your detox!
      • BATHS. Add 2 cups of Dead Sea salt or Epsom salt to a warm bath: this will help you relieve bloating and pain and allow you to decompress.
      • SOCIAL MEDIA. Turn off Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and others for the duration of your detox. This will help you unwind.
      • NATURE. Go outside and breathe in spring aromas deeply. Start taking care of your garden, go for a walk outside: it’s a great morale booster!
    • EXERCISE. Physical activity is a detox program’s vital ally. Stretch, go for a walk. Get back to exercising at your own pace and within your capabilities.




DETOX IS A SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY. Experience it while respecting your body. Do so gently, starting with abundant hydration and nutrition. It is possible to eliminate toxins without the inconvenience (for example, diarrhea) or potentially dangerous effects (e.g., nutritional deficiencies).

AT THE BEGINNING. You may experience headaches, fatigue and lack of concentration. If this is too burdensome for you, it may be best to postpone your detox project until you feel more motivated and enthusiastic.

BUT THE REWARD WILL BE WORTH YOUR PERSEVERANCE. Little by little, you will gain your energy back. Your mind will be alert and effective. Your figure will start to get more refined. You will feel happier, lighter and energized. Isn’t this a great way to start the warmer season?

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