Periods, a natural and beautiful expression of life, can be lived in balance with the right support. Adrien's natural health care formulas relieve and guide period discomforts back to equilibrium.



For premenstrual syndrome

Is this for you?

This product is designed for the woman with cyclical PMS before their period.

Did you know?

PMS affects almost half of the women worldwide!

How does it help?

The medicinal plant ingredient in this product, chasteberry, has a great affinity for women's health, in particular any menstrual challenges. It does this by rebalancing the estrogen-progesterone levels.​

A menstrual cycle starts at the first day of your period to the next and is usually between 21 to 35 days.​

Take this product for at least 3 cycles, as one cycle constitutes one base point, and to give chasteberry to do its work!



For painful periods

Is this for you?

This product is designed for the woman with cyclical painful periods.

Did you know?

According to data, women can experience painful periods from 24 to 36 days per year!

How does it help?

The medicinal plant ingredient in this product, sweet fennel, has a great affinity for the uterus. It works by having estrogenic properties, reducing inflammation while blocking pain, all in the same time.​

Take this product during your period, along with our SOS PMS, to get all the menstrual cycle support you need.

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