Nem Pain Relief


Nem Pain Relief

A single daily capsule of NEM for 7 days is enough to reduce joint pain quickly and efficiently. This supplement is also recommended for people looking for an alternative to glucosamine. This formula is more than an anti-inflammatory, it targets the cause of your pain, for real results.
SKU: 101933
UPC: 063935021137
NPN: 80033753


100% natural

Gluten free

Nut free

Dairy free

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Good to know
NEM stands for Natural Egg Membrane
The NEM is made from the membrane that is found inside the egg
Good to know
  • NEM stands for Natural Egg Membrane
  • The NEM is made from the membrane that is found inside the egg

Who will benefit from this product?

  • People who want a fast relief pain due to degenerative osteoarthritis and arthritis 
  • People who want a fast relief of acute joint pain due to unusual movements or activities
  • People looking for an alternative to glucosamine. People who constantly experience difficulty moving joints, reduced mobility because of stiffness or pain
  • For people who perform intense sports

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