Zinc 25mg Sugar Free Gummy

Vitamins and minerals

Zinc 25mg Sugar Free Gummy

Zinc is involved in over 300 enzymatic processes and plays an important role in human health, including growth, immune, neurological, and reproductive functions. Prevent a deficiency and maintain your health at its best with one delicious peach flavored gummy per day! Our gummies are sugar free and vegetarian. The gummy is ideal for people who have difficulty swallowing, and for those who want to put a little fun into taking supplements.
SKU: 104124
UPC: 063935026200
NPN: 80114876


100% natural

Gluten free

GMO free

Dairy free

Sugar free


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Good to know
The skin is the third most zinc-rich tissue in the body
Phytic acid from seed plants we eat would prevent the absorption of certain minerals including zinc
Good to know
  • The skin is the third most zinc-rich tissue in the body
  • Phytic acid from seed plants we eat would prevent the absorption of certain minerals including zinc
Le sucre : Urgence sanitaire ?

Sugar: Health Emergency?

For several years now, the harmful effects of sugar and the modern diet, rich in carbohydrates, have been pointed out. Several studies have highlighted the involvement of sugar and high glycemic index carbohydrates in the explosion of metabolic diseases, obesity, type 2 diabetes in which sugar plays "a major deleterious role" as well as diseases resulting cardiovascular and neurological

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