On the long term, a drop of up to 10cm can be observed in someone’s height when the vertebras collapse on one another. The most common symptom of osteoporosis is fracture, which can result at this point from small chocks that normal bones would have easily supported. Natural health products help prevent osteoporosis or slow its progression.
Avoid over-drinking at mealtimes. Water should be the main ingested fluid in the day and should ideally be taken between meals.
CALCIUM: Enriched soy products, caned salmon and tuna (with fish bones), dairy products (including goat ones), almonds, sesame seeds, Chinese cabbage, etc.
MAGNESIUM: Dark chocolate, white or black beans, Lima beans, Brazil nuts, cashews, almonds, spinach, artichoke, pine seed, roasted soybeans, etc.
BORON: Leafy vegetables, avocados, prunes, grapes, legumes, nuts, fruits, etc.
VITAMIN D: Salmon, tuna, oysters, herring, Atlantic halibut, trout, dairy and soy products enriched in vitamin D, etc.
VITAMIN K: Borecole, Swiss chard, spinach, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kiwi, asparagus, lettuces, cabbages, green beans, etc.
Probably as important as calcium, physical activities involving a light to moderate impact or the lifting of a charge remains a very effective means to prevent bone loss. Walking, running, tennis, hiking, gardening and weight lifting are among the most interesting activities to increase bone mass. The younger a person becomes active, the least the risk of developing osteoporosis later in life. Since bone mass accumulates until age 30, the first decades of life are critical to ensure a proper bone mass during adulthood and preventing osteoporosis in elderly years.
Among the worst beverages for bone health are the sodas and coffee. Coffee acidifies the body while increasing calcium excretion through the kidneys. For sodas, above being rich in sugar, they contain a high level of phosphoric acid (especially colas). Taken in too large amounts, phosphoric acid creates an imbalance in the calcium to phosphorus equilibrium, which is very important for bone maintenance. Opt for unsweetened fruit juices and water instead.